Photo Galleries & Videos
To watch the videos simply click the Play button, to view an image, click a photo and a slideshow will launch, you can click the left and right arrows to navigate through the photos.
To watch the videos simply click the Play button, to view an image, click a photo and a slideshow will launch, you can click the left and right arrows to navigate through the photos.
With over 300 people in attendance on 22 Sept 2021, performances from Kirklees community music groups and the endorsement of West Yorkshire Mayor, Tracy Brabin; Year of Music 2023 introduced what the initiative means for the district. Find out more by watching the Official Year of Music Film and the Launch Night Film
We were featured in the Jazz Community Carol Concert at Kings Heath, Birmingham, you can hear us here on the Premier website at 40 minutes into the recording.
On October 16th 2011, the Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir put on a concert at St Pauls Hall, Huddersfield. This is the choir singing “Hold On”.
On October 16th 2011, the Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir put on a concert at St Pauls Hall, Huddersfield. This is the choir singing “Melodies from Heaven”.
On October 16th 2011, the Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir put on a concert at St Pauls Hall, Huddersfield. This is the choir singing “Oh Lord, How Excellent”.
On October 16th 2011, the Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir put on a concert at St Pauls Hall, Huddersfield. This is the choir singing “Cant Give Up Now”.
On October 16th 2011, the Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir put on a concert at St Pauls Hall, Huddersfield. This is the choir singing “Jesus, you are my everything”.
On October 16th 2011, the Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir put on a concert at St Pauls Hall, Huddersfield. This is the choir singing “God Has Not Forgot”.
This is a rehearsal we did in September 2011 for the God Has Not Forgot concert on 16th October 2011. This video shows half of the choir warming up, yes, you heard right, this is warming up!